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iKnow Community: 's files
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Foresight Brief No. 044 Foresight for Mobile Radio Spectrum 2020
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This brief is about a study on the Future Mobile Markets and Services that employed a Foresight approach. The role of the study was to provide a robust and realistic understanding of future dema...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Date upload: 6/7/2010    Views: 248
Foresight Brief No. 043 Youth Futures Germany 2020
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'Jugend denkt Zukunft' was setup to make this vision come true and translated directly into English it means 'young people are thinking about their future'. This single issue foresight exercise ...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Date upload: 6/7/2010    Views: 267
Foresight Brief No. 042 Emerging S+T Priorities in the Triadic Regions
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The objective of this Platform Foresight project is the analysis of emerging science and technology priorities in public research policies of the European countries, the US and Japan. The aim is...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Date upload: 6/7/2010    Views: 209
Foresight Brief No. 041 Imagineering Ireland - Future Scenarios for 2030
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In contemporary society, it is well recognised that public policy, corporate strategy and individual choice, and the way in which they are conducted, is becoming increasingly complex. Consequent...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Date upload: 6/7/2010    Views: 435
Foresight Brief No. 040 Converging Technologies Enabling the Information Society
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The purpose of the project was to analyse the scientific strengths of the EU compared to the USA and Japan in the field of 'converging technologies' with the aim of informing and influencing the...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Date upload: 6/7/2010    Views: 374
Foresight Brief No. 039 The Turkish S+T Vision 2023
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'Vision 2023: Strategies for Science and Technology' is a national project aimed at providing Turkish stakeholders with a vision for the development of science and technology vision in Turkey ov...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Date upload: 6/7/2010    Views: 275