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Future News - WIWEs
Displaying result for tag: economy
Emergence of Mediterranean Sea acidification studies

Emergence of Mediterranean Sea acidification studies

Increases of atmospheric CO2 and associated decreases in seawater pH and carbonate ion concentration this century and beyond are likely to have wide impacts on marine ecosystems including those of the Mediterranean Sea. Consequ...

Soft “EuroLanding” or

Soft “EuroLanding” or "Happy End" in EuroLand

The "Happy Ending" twist to Euro concerns involves the survival of the European political project and the emergence of a new “Euro Deal”, which dramatically transforms the economic and political landscape of Europe. On the ...

Carbon crunch and the climate bubble

Carbon crunch and the climate bubble

Who will bail out the climate bubble? Global carbon markets and pricing mechanisms fulfil the aspirations of the global climate community. But they quickly lead to runaway speculation, high-risk carbon derivatives markets, and ...

All goods and services produced or consumed by people can be realised on the basis of barter trade.

All goods and services produced or consumed by people can be ...

The growing use of technologies in production is a significant trend, along with the related structural unemployment of a considerable part of the workforce. This can result in a wild card which could be characterised as a turn...

Chinese society collapsing under its own weight.

Chinese society collapsing under its own weight.

The only thing holding China together is the People’s Republican Party and habit. China could go down and take a lot of debts and make the current financial crisis look like nothing.

Somebody cracks RSA, which is a standard inscription

Somebody cracks RSA, which is a standard inscription

If this was done in a public domain way, the entire banking system and ATMs would stop working and could not be used, as they would be insecure. The whole thing is based on one inscription algorithm.

Significant’ financial events cause ‘significant’ changes in science and innovation funding

Significant’ financial events cause ‘significant’ chan ...

For instance China calling in debts to undermine a G20 economy leading to significant financial difficulties in Europe and social unrest. There will be an initial significant decrease in science activity, coupled with societal ...

The developing countries are not developing and that China is now trying to buy large areas of land in Africa to secure its basic materials.

The developing countries are not developing and that China i ...

As we move into a world of more sparsity, these decisions by the Chinese government, the Chinese people and Chinese companies to buy basic materials from Africa are a clear weak signal of the crucial position of Africa in a wor...

A Soured Economy Prompted a Boom in Crowdsourcing

A Soured Economy Prompted a Boom in Crowdsourcing

The current global economic crisis has a pervasive impact on national economies and labour markets, resulting in increasing unemployment. Due to the fact that many unemployed workers do no longer have the chance to find a perma...

Gordon Brown fears about Euro stability in 2011

Gordon Brown fears about Euro stability in 2011

BBC reports that Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has said that the euro's problems were bigger than just its governments' debts. Europe must also solve the euro's structural rigidities and the enormous debts of its b...

Far East economy becoming stronger

Far East economy becoming stronger

The strengthening position of the Far East economy could affect import and export and ultimately lead to currency collapse.

The rising attractiveness of unintended consequences

The rising attractiveness of unintended consequences

Unintended consequences seem to plague our best efforts to plan these days. Financial writer Shishir Nigam declared in mid-2010 that "one of the biggest themes in this current investment environment and in the next few years wi...

Molecular manufacturing turns into the next industrial revolution

Molecular manufacturing turns into the next industrial revol ...

The old vision of molecular nanotechnology (first introduced by Drexler) materializes. "universal nano-assemblers" or "nanofactories" build objects of practically any arbitrary size and complexity (including copies of themselve...

Growing importance of the role of finance in sustainable growth

Growing importance of the role of finance in sustainable gro ...

The financial sector is playing a growing role in sustainable growth.

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