created | headline | keywords/tags | occurrence | themes |
18.11.11 | Significant terrorist action damaging science infrastructure | science centres, terrorism, Science infrastructure, research crisis | now-2025 |
18.11.11 | The development of a medical cure for cancer | cancer cure, health benefits, pharmaceutical industry |
18.11.11 | The occurrence of a devastating environmental catastrophe in the area of the European Union | collapse, environmental disaster, economic security, economical caos | now-2025 |
18.11.11 | Super volcanic eruption | environmental disaster, disasters, Ecology | now-2025 |
18.11.11 | Defragmentation within the European Commission | conflict, economy transformation, political reforms, globalisation | now-2025 |
18.11.11 | Researchers do not take responsibility for results | research ethics, regulations, research results | now-2025 |
18.11.11 | Catastrophe related to technology | collapse, technology, research and development, scepticism about technology | now-2025 |
18.11.11 | Slow Logistics | Logistics, transport systems, emissions | now-2025 |
18.11.11 | De-Globalization | sustainability, production, globalisation, localisation | now-2025 |
18.11.11 | All the information about almost everything became available to anyone who wanted to know | conflict, collapse, information access, democratization | now-2050 |
18.11.11 | The internet collapses and cannot be restarted | internet, collapse, social conflicts, economy problems | now-2015 |
18.11.11 | The collapse of a major nation in a geopolitical area that is already under great pressure | collapse, geopolitics, economic security, social, warfare | now-2025 |
18.11.11 | Climate change, rapid changes, our current models | climate change, food crisis, political reforms, economic security, social conflicts | now-2050 |
DIE ZEIT (Germany), Financial Times (Germany), El Heraldo (Colombia), Prospective Foresight Network (France), Nationalencyklopedin (Sweden), EFP - European Foresight Platform (EC), EULAKS - European Union & Latin America Knowledge Society (EC), CfWI - Centre for Workforce Intellience (UK), INFU - Innovation Futures (EC), Towards A Future Internet (EC), dstl - Defence S&T Laboratory (UK), EFSA - European Food Safety Agency (EU), Malaysia Foresight Programme (Malaysia), Bulletins Electroniques more...