created | headline | keywords/tags | occurrence | themes |
29.01.13 | Mexico and Guatemala unifies | Unification, Guatemala, Mexico, human rights, migration | now-2050+ |
18.11.11 | Population increase and migration to cities and effect on food production and distribution. | migration, food production, agriculture, urban, food distribution, urban population | now-2025 |
18.11.11 | Slow Logistics | Logistics, transport systems, emissions | now-2025 |
07.12.10 | Space colonisation | human enhancement, colonisation, Space, space travel, migration | now-2050+ |
03.08.10 | Killer Virus | Casualties, World Population, Killer Virus, virus, pandemic | now-2025 |
14.07.10 | Molecular manufacturing turns into the next industrial revolution | nano-assemblers, molecular manufacturing, industry, economy, nanotechnology | now-2050 |
20.06.10 | $ hyperinflation | complementary currencies, world hyperinflation | now-2025 |
08.04.10 | Smal-scale nuclear power to meet private energy demands | sufficiency, deconcentration, small-scale reactors, Energy, nuclear power | now-2050 |
09.03.10 | Tropical UK | UK, tropical, tourism, climate change, global warming | now-2050 |
DIE ZEIT (Germany), Financial Times (Germany), El Heraldo (Colombia), Prospective Foresight Network (France), Nationalencyklopedin (Sweden), EFP - European Foresight Platform (EC), EULAKS - European Union & Latin America Knowledge Society (EC), CfWI - Centre for Workforce Intellience (UK), INFU - Innovation Futures (EC), Towards A Future Internet (EC), dstl - Defence S&T Laboratory (UK), EFSA - European Food Safety Agency (EU), Malaysia Foresight Programme (Malaysia), Bulletins Electroniques more...