Mario Guilló is BA in Communication from University of Alicante, and Master in Business Management and Administration from Fundesem Business School (Foundation for Business Development). He is also PhD Candidate, working in a doctoral thesis about the key aspect of communications within social networks for promoting open innovation.
During the last 4 years he has been working at Futurlab - Laboratory of Creative Futures at the University of Alicante, first as researcher and now as head of development. His main research lines are devoted with new foresight tools, communication, social networks, open innovation, systems of innovation and trend analysis. He has worked on research projects at local level (research on the future of work - for COEPA, The Business Confederation of the Province of Alicante) and internationally (in 2009 developed two projects funded by the Program Cooperation with Latin America from AECI). Since 2004 actively collaborates with leading European institutes in the field of coolhunting and trend analysis, such as Signs of The Time in Holland, and Future Concept Lab in Italy.
Before this, he developed his professional career in the field of strategic communication and marketing. First as a planner and advertising copy, then as a consultant to various companies and institutions at the regional level and later as head of CRM (Costumer Relationship Management) and market research coordinator in Soledad Group (the main tyre distributor in Spain).
He has been visiting professor at the University of Turku (Finland), Otavanopisto (Finland) Luneburg University (Germany), Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, EARTH University (Costa Rica), Simón Bolívar University (Venezuela), Istituto Europeo di Design (Italy), Deusto University, Politechnical University of Valencia and University of Granada (Spain). He also has written several articles related to innovation, communication and social change, both domestic and foreign publications. Currently he is working, as editor, in the publication of a book titled "Foresight and Social Innovation", with the contibutions of ones of the most prominent prospectivists around the world.
In his time as a student in Advertising and Public Relations at the University of Alicante was coordinator of the trends section in REEFVIEWS, the electronic journal on Communication, Society and Future Issues of the Faculty of Economics. Thanks to the magazine he won the First Prize at the I Intercampus Contest (from Telefónica Foundation) as a member of the group that presented the proposal REEFVIEWS in 2003. Currently is still linked to other publications of the world of trends and communication such as Coolpolitics Magazine, a journal published by Coolpolitics Research in Amsterdam (Netherlands).
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