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iKnow Community: Aharon Hauptman

Dr Aharon Hauptman

Israel Senior Researcher (ICTAF - the Interdisciplinary Center for Technology Analysis and Forecasting)
Senior researcher at ICTAF, member of the iKNOW Project team
Language(s): Hebrew, English, Polish

Aharon Hauptman's contributions to iKnow

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Contact information
Basic information
Gender :
Nationality :
Most prominent role :
Researcher in higher educational institution
Education qualification :
Languages :
Hebrew, English, Polish
Primary Work information
Type of employer :
Non-governmental, not for profit, not representing commercial interest organisation
Employer :
ICTAF - the Interdisciplinary Center for Technology Analysis and Forecasting
Location :
Israel Israel
Position :
Senior Researcher
Main activities :
Research information
Interest in Individual research related to :
• Interdisciplinary
Type of research :
Other type of research :
• Foresight
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ERA Dimensions

  • First contact with extra-terrestrial intelligence

    First contact with extra-terrestrial intelligence

    First Contact: Contact with extra-terrestrial intelligence/civilisation is established

  • Space colonisation

    Space colonisation

    Low-cost space travel and human enhancement technologies enable massive migration of humans from earth and establishing permanent space colonies on other planet or on large space stations.

  • Space-based solar panels supply energy to earth

    Space-based solar panels supply energy to earth

    A new technology enables affordable and efficient large space-based solar panels, which by beaming microwaves provide most of the world's energy needs. The energy is clean and renewable, the source is infinite.

  • Large NEO (near earth object) hits Europe

    Large NEO (near earth object) hits Europe

    A near earth object (asteroid or comet) about 1 Km in size hits Europe, causing a major disaster on a regional or global scale (depending on the actual size of the object)

  • Molecular manufacturing turns into the next industrial revolution

    Molecular manufacturing turns into the next industrial revol ...

    The old vision of molecular nanotechnology (first introduced by Drexler) materializes. "universal nano-assemblers" or "nanofactories" build objects of practically any arbitrary size and complexity (including copies of themselve...

  • Disintegrating of ordinary (nano-enabled, molecularly-manufactured) products by remote signal

    Disintegrating of ordinary (nano-enabled, molecularly-manufa ...

    In the future industry most products are manufactured by "bottom-up" molecular nanotechnology, and many have built-in expiry date (when they automatically disintegrate for recycling). Terrorists or criminals find a way to disin...

  • More Wild Cards...

  • Accumulating evidence that life is or was possible on Mars

    Accumulating evidence that life is or was possible on Mars

    A growing number of scientists tend to think that Mars habits (or was habiting) some forms of life, following a variety of recent discoveries that support the assumption that life is or was possible there. It is not considered ...

  • Discovery of earth-like extra-solar planets

    Discovery of earth-like extra-solar planets

    As of December 2, 2010, 505 extra-sols planets were detected. Most are giant planets (like Jupiter), but recently several relatively lightweight exoplanets, only a few times more massive than Earth, have also been detected, thu...

  • Life-form thriving on arsenic was discovered on Earth

    Life-form thriving on arsenic was discovered on Earth

    NASA-funded research discovered microorganisms on Earth (in Mono Lake, California), able to thrive and reproduce using the toxic chemical arsenic. According to NASA, this finding of an alternative biochemistry makeup will alter...

  • There are no files in iLibrary yet related to ERA Dimensions

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  • Aharon Hauptman have no videos yet related to ERA Dimensions

  • Aharon Hauptman have no articles yet related to ERA Dimensions