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iKnow Community: Nathali Portilla agudelo

Miss Nathali Portilla agudelo

Colombia Research Assistant (Universidad del Valle)
Colombia Research Assistant (Universidad del Valle)
Language(s): Spanish

Nathali Portilla agudelo's contributions to iKnow

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Mini CV

Administradora de Empresas, Universidad del Valle

Estudiante de la Maestría en Ciencias de la Organización, Universidad del Valle, Cali - Colombia

Profesional en Investigación, Instituto de Prospectiva - Colombia, (Planeación Estratégica)  

Experiencia Laboral (Instituto de Prospectiva)

Monitora de Investigación Grupo de Investigación de Marketing Estratégico - Universidad del Valle

Planes Estratégicos para los Centros de Excelencia en Investigación - Colciencias

Planes Estrategicos Programas Nacionales de Colciencias

Plan de Desarrollo Universidad del Magdalena 2010 -2020.

Plan de Desarrollo Facultad de  salud 2011 -2030

Basic information
Most prominent role :
Researcher in higher educational institution
Education qualification :
Masters degree
Languages :
Primary Work information
Type of employer :
Higher education institution (HEI)
School/Faculty/Institute :
Universidad del Valle
Location :
Colombia Colombia
Position :
Research Assistant
Main activities :
Secondary Work information
Type of employer :
Higher education institution (hei)
School/Faculty/Institute :
Universidad del Valle
Location :
Position :
Research Assistant
Main activities :
Research information
Interest in Cooperative research related to :
• Socio-economic Sciences and the Humanities
Interest in Individual research related to :
• Social Sciences & Humanities
• Interdisciplinary
Interest in Capacity building research related to :
• Science and society
Interest in Individual capacity building such as... :
• Research mobility and career development
Type of research :
• Applied in a commercial context
• Relevant for intergovernmental non-commercial external organisations (e.g. European Union, United Nations, OECD)
• Relevant for national/regional non-commercial external organisations (including the public sector)
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Grand Challenges

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  • Nathali Portilla agudelo have no videos yet related to Grand Challenges

  • Nathali Portilla agudelo have no articles yet related to Grand Challenges