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iKnow Community: About the iKnow Project


About the iKnow Project

By: Rafael Popper     Posted on: 10/12/2009     Last update: 4950 days ago


The aim of the iKnow project is to elucidate and examine events and developments potentially shaping or shaking the future of science, technology and innovation (STI) in the European Research Area (ERA) and the world. In so doing, the project pursues the following objectives:

  • to develop and pilot conceptual and methodological frameworks to identify, classify, cluster and analyse wild cards and weak signals (WI-WE)
  • to assess WI-WE implications for, and expected impact on, key dimensions of the ERA Vision, such as Researchers, Research infrastructures, Research institutions and universities, Knowledge sharing, Joint Programming and International S&T cooperation.

iKnow will undertake the following activities:

  • Literature review and desk research to obtain broad and deep insights on WI-WE by means of literature review and desk research.
  • Surveys, interviews, and a cross-national Delphi to gather EU and international views on WI-WE. This will be followed by four national surveys looking at potential impacts of WI-WE on national and sub-national issues.
  • National workshops to promote interactive discussions with key stakeholders in order to gain insights and inputs to the subsequent working packages as well as feedback on interim results gained from cross-national and national surveys.
  • Case studies to contextualise findings and develop an in-depth understanding of how WI-WE relate to national and regional policy issues, in particular those related to major pan-European goals.
  • Development of IT tools and applications to test and innovate in terms of the use of web-based tools that will go beyond simply disseminating and delivering results. These tools will provide environments for user communities to go about their own WI-WE analysis.
  • Validation and dissemination of findings of the project, through policy toolkits and practical guides aimed at supporting policy-makers and the foresight community.

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