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Space: a new European frontier for an expanding Union. An action ... 
A White Paper from the European Commision with the aim of trying to create a common European Space policy.
Uploaded by: Clare Degenhardt    Date upload: 7/2/2011    Views: 824
Towards a Sustainable Transport System Supporting Economic Growth in a Low Carbon World
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This document has three aims. Firstly, it describes how the Government isresponding to the recommendations made in the Eddington study to improvetransport’s contribution to eco...
Uploaded by: Clare Degenhardt    Date upload: 7/2/2011    Views: 692
Novel Materials in the Environment: The case of nanotechnology
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A White Paper submitted in 2008 by the Royal Commission on Enbironmental Pollution regarding the case for using nanotechnology with reccommendations for Government policy.
Uploaded by: Clare Degenhardt    Date upload: 7/2/2011    Views: 764
The National Security Strategy of the United Kingdom Security in an interdependent world
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The aim of this first National SecurityStrategy is to set out how we willaddress and manage this diverse thoughinterconnected set of security challenges andunderlying dri...
Uploaded by: Clare Degenhardt    Date upload: 3/2/2011    Views: 446
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The previous government's proposals laid out  in 2008 regarding the issues of party funding and spending, in light of Sir Hayek's review.
Uploaded by: Clare Degenhardt    Date upload: 3/2/2011    Views: 458
Foresight - Beyond business as usual:  a course for sponsors and practitioners of foresight
Foresight - Beyond business as usual:  a course for sponsors and ... 
The Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (Formerly PREST) are pleased to provide you with details of our 5 day short course Foresight: Horizon-Scanning and Scenarios....
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Date upload: 2/2/2011    Views: 2248