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iKnow Community: 's files
Recognising the value of business patents with university inventors
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Support to university patent ownership is a popular R&D policy initiative to promote effective knowledge sharing. However, tentative results illustrate that the risk of negative consequences exists.
Uploaded by: Omid Omidvar    Date upload: 25/12/2010    Views: 600
Is networking a substitute or a complement to regional innovation capacity?
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This report attempts to shed some light on the joint influence of regional innovation capacity and scientific networking on regional R&D productivity. Findings indicate that there are distinct path...
Uploaded by: Omid Omidvar    Date upload: 24/12/2010    Views: 871
Europe's top research universities in FP6: scope and drivers of participation
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This report characterises the participation of top research universities in the Sixth European Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP6) using bibliometric indicators.
Uploaded by: Omid Omidvar    Date upload: 24/12/2010    Views: 670
Contribution of policies at the regional level to the realisation of the European Research Area
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This study examines the role of policies at the regional level to the realisation of the European Research Area (ERA). For a number of selected regions, the study examines policies at regional leve...
Uploaded by: Omid Omidvar    Date upload: 24/12/2010    Views: 1163
How to Strengthen the EU Knowledge Economy
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This policy brief argues that the policy initiatives that have followed the launch of the Lisbon Strategy have correctly put a strong emphasis on progress in the research, education, and innovat...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Date upload: 24/12/2010    Views: 751
Drivers and Impediments for Innovation in Europe
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The EU 2020 strategy relies on innovation as the core driver of economic dynamics. The present Forum discusses the strategies established by the European Commission and the member states for the...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Date upload: 22/12/2010    Views: 961