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iKnow Community: 's files
A Natural sciences (9)see research areasB Engineering and technology (20)see research areasC Medical sciences (11)see research areasD Agricultural sciences (9)see research areasE Social sciences (72)see research areasF Humanities (10)see research areas
Creating an Innovative Europe
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This report presents a strategy to create an Innovative Europe. Achieving this requires a combination of a market for innovative goods and services, focussed resources, new financial structures and...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Date upload: 26/1/2011    Views: 1108
Lisbon Strategy: Between revolution and illusion - The governance challenge for knowledge policies
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Eight years after its first launch, and three years after its re-launch, the fate of the Lisbon strategy still lies between success and failure. And a clear and resolute evolution towards an integr...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Date upload: 14/1/2011    Views: 686
Challenging Europe's Research: ERA Rationales
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This report presents a rationale for a European Research Area that has a clear purpose which is meaningful to Europe’s citizens and political leaders and relevant to its key actors. While ...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Date upload: 12/12/2010    Views: 1036