Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /data/web/virtuals/47278/virtual/www/domains/iknowfutures.org/community/community.iknowfutures.com/engine/lib/elgglib.php on line 1454
iKnow Community: 's files
A Natural sciences (9)see research areasB Engineering and technology (20)see research areasC Medical sciences (11)see research areasD Agricultural sciences (9)see research areasE Social sciences (72)see research areasF Humanities (10)see research areas
Key Factors Driving the Future Information Society in the European Research Area
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FISTERA (‘Foresight on Information Society Technologies (IST) in the European Research Area’) is a thematic network. It was launched by DG Information Society to support the creation...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Date upload: 9/12/2010    Views: 899
INFU - Structured and documented collection of current signals for arising changes in innovation patterns
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The emergence of new innovation patterns such as open innovation, user innovation, design innovation and community innovations involvi...
Uploaded by: Sivert von Saldern    Year of publication: 2011    Date upload: 12/5/2010    Views: 998