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Future News - WIWEs

WIWES contributed by Nicholas John

Worldwide vegetarianism

Worldwide vegetarianism

Vegetarianism becomes a mass worldwide movement with huge implications for the food industry and the global economy

Animal rights activists thwart the planning of an innovative science park

Animal rights activists thwart the planning of an innovative ...

In Venray, Holland, in April 2008, animal rights activists successfully thwarted the planning of an innovative science park where some companies would potentially conduct research with animals . The activists used both lawful ...

Widespread availability of innovative technologies and off-the-shelf components

Widespread availability of innovative technologies and off-t ...

Unlike the past, when most of the innovative technologies originated from the defense and security research, nowadays most innovative technologies result from the new global competitive economy and the worldwide consumers deman...

Growing dependence of society on technologies

Growing dependence of society on technologies

There is a growing dependence of modern society on technologies, e.g. interconnected infrastructures in transport, energy, information and other fields. Also the everyday activities of individuals are more and more dependent on...

RepRap printer

RepRap printer

The RepRap (a short for Replicating Rapid-prototyper) project is working towards creating a cheap and easy-to-use rapid prototype machine that can construct plastic products after downloading a detailed description form a comp...

Desalinated Water

Desalinated Water

More then half of water supply will come from desalination.

Research outsourcing

Research outsourcing

India and China offer high quality and low cost research services to the EU and US (signal for outsourcing the majority of the EU R&D).

Super-efficient power lines with almost zero resistance

Super-efficient power lines with almost zero resistance

Future breakthrough in high-temperature superconductors or carbon nanotubes (CNT) enable loss-less transmission of electrical power. Carbon nanotubes exhibit so-called "ballistic conductivity", which is effectively similar to s...

Intelligent electric power demand and distribution control

Intelligent electric power demand and distribution control

Research is underway on “Smart” Electric Power systems where there can be much more management of consumer demand and power distribution

Evaluation of hydrogen storage and distribution systems underway

Evaluation of hydrogen storage and distribution systems unde ...

Research is underway to generate needed information on the safety, efficiency and other features of Hydrogen storage and distribution systems

EU genetic data bank hacked

EU genetic data bank hacked

Genome hackers are appearing, in one case, stealing records on individual data from an EU data base.

Emission reduction in energy supply chains

Emission reduction in energy supply chains

Research is underway on ways of achieving substantial reduction of emissions in energy supply chains

Collective intelligence decision making in European governments

Collective intelligence decision making in European governme ...

There is much experimentation with uses of new technologies to capture the views and knowledge of millions of EU citizens, so as to better inform policy-making.

Consumers tend to be less concerned about privacy then regulators, and to forego privacy for benefits

Consumers tend to be less concerned about privacy then regul ...

"European consumers appear to be less worried than some regulators about the potential loss of privacy" "The data protection agencies tend to be extreme," said Peter Heinzmann, chief executive of a Swiss company that makes s...

Increased use of chemicals by terrorists

Increased use of chemicals by terrorists

Early indicator for chemical terrorism (attacks with use of non-conventional weapons).

Machine translation between English and one other language deemed “good enough”

Machine translation between English and one other language d ...

A usable machine translation tool is able to provide adequate translations between English and one other language. Weak signal for widespread use of machine translations between any two languages.

A Chinese or Indian university in worldwide top 20 universities

A Chinese or Indian university in worldwide top 20 universit ...

A Chinese or Indian university is ranked in the top 20 universities worldwide (currently, Peking University is ranked 50th). Weak signal for future dominance of India or China over Europe in academia.

Rise in cases of foot and mouth disease (FMD)

Rise in cases of foot and mouth disease (FMD)

Cases of foot and mouth disease (FMD) rise in countries neighbouring on Europe. Weak signal for outbreak of pandemic.

Cancer treated in mice

Cancer treated in mice

Gene therapy treats small tumours in mice. Weak signal for cure for cancer.

US leaves the WTO

US leaves the WTO

Following a period of high employment and increased balance of payment deficit, the US decides to withdraw from previous trade agreements and eventually to leave the WTO. Weak signal for US isolationism.

R&D collaboration tax

R&D collaboration tax

US and EU countries decide to levy high taxes on cross border R&D collaborations. Early indicator for research isolationism. For instance, Western governments fear that China and India are gaining competitive advantages through...

Innovation slow down

Innovation slow down

Global number of patent filings decrease 2 years in a row after a long period of growth. This may lead to a decline in patent filings signalling a slow down in innovation processes



Terrorists with implanted chips are remote-controlled

End of Work

End of Work

Advances in automation, robotics and ICT renders most human work unnecessary, with major economic and social consequences. Unemployment becomes a norm.

Unexpected environmental change due to nano-tech

Unexpected environmental change due to nano-tech

Nanosensors designed to detect trace concentrations of biochemicals lead to absorption of nanoparticles into the body and environment, concentrating in water and soil, and eventually linking with natural organisms, causing unkn...

AIDS transmittable by air

AIDS transmittable by air

The AIDS virus mutates and becomes transmittable by air.

Institutionalised veganism

Institutionalised veganism

Owing to the proven harmful health impacts of eating meat and the inefficiencies involved in the production of eggs, milk and so on, all animal-based products are illegalised

Designer babies

Designer babies

Future parents are able to select a huge range of genetic characteristics for their unborn children

Male pregnancy

Male pregnancy

Zygotes can be successfully implanted into men and carried to term

Visual literacy prevails

Visual literacy prevails

Reading and writing are no longer considered fundamental to children's education. New visual forms of communication combined with ubiquitous touch screens replace reading and writing.

Scientists share a group mind

Scientists share a group mind

The idea of a group mind, or hive mind, is popular in science fiction, and refers to the ability of a group of discrete individuals to communicate – either telepathically or through hardware. This means that each individual k...

Outbreak of foot and mouth disease (FMD)

Outbreak of foot and mouth disease (FMD)

A new strain of FMD crosses into Europe from a neighbouring country and decimates cattle herds

Destruction of the ITER plant

Destruction of the ITER plant

The nuclear fusion facility ITER is destroyed either by a natural disaster (earthquake? fire?) or in a terrorist attack, setting back European nuclear fusion research by decades

Alternative centres of excellence

Alternative centres of excellence

India or China emerge as the global centre for scientific excellence (i.e., ERA becomes irrelevant)

Western isolationism

Western isolationism

The west disavows all responsibility for the problems of the world’s weaker countries, focusing its resources only on European countries

Energy crisis

Energy crisis

An energy crisis makes air travel prohibitively expensive thus preventing researchers from European and third countries from travelling for research purposes



Cold War style blocs of countries emerge with Iron Curtains between them thereby halting and even reversing trends to global integration

Clean, green machines: The advent of the carbon-lite economy

Clean, green machines: The advent of the carbon-lite economy

Breakthroughs in alternative energy sources may end fossil fuel dependence. Likely candidates to replace fossil fuel include nuclear (fusion and fission), hydrogen, biomass and other renewables and increased energy efficiency.

US isolationism

US isolationism

The United States adopts an isolationist stance within the international community.

Active Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine

Active Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine

Research on active biomaterials for implantation in the human body leads to in-situ repair and regeneration of damaged tissue

Decline in life expectancy

Decline in life expectancy

After decades of growing life expectancy, it starts to come down. Given that Europe's long-term planning is predicated on an ageing society, this would have a huge impact throughout the EU and the world.

Life expectancy doubled in small mammals

Life expectancy doubled in small mammals

Scientists succeed in doubling the life expectancy of small mammals. It is a precursor for scientific possibilities vis-a-vis humans.



The FP6 DustCart project is aimed at designing, developing and testing a system for improving the management of urban hygiene based on a network of autonomous and cooperating robots, embedded in an Ambient Intelligence infrastr...

Scientists finds a way for controlling the weather

Scientists finds a way for controlling the weather

Some scientists contend that influencing the weather may be possible if we can sufficiently improve our current ability to observe, predict, and make changes to the atmosphere. There has been some theoretical research on the we...

Nano-electrodes as weapons

Nano-electrodes as weapons

Nano-electrodes are shaped as needles which can be coated with various materials/poisons as anti-human weapons

Underground explosives for remote detonation

Underground explosives for remote detonation

Explosives are buried deep underground in massive quantities for remote activation and full ground control

Remote control sensors for identifying targeted materials

Remote control sensors for identifying targeted materials

Remote control sensors for identifying targeted materials such as poisons, etc., with remote manipulation.

Nano-based materials that are a strong as metal

Nano-based materials that are a strong as metal

Constructions that are as stiff as metal are based on nano technologies

The disappearance of male chauvinism

The disappearance of male chauvinism

Male chauvinism and "machismo" disappear. The majority of world leaders (including heads of state) are women. Even in religious establishments women become more powerful and dominant. This has a high impact on the changing worl...

Legalisation of drugs

Legalisation of drugs

Drugs are de-criminalised or legalised. This has important social implications and a tremendous impact on the security and economy of many countries.

Turkey becomes an EU member

Turkey becomes an EU member

Turkey is accepted to join the EU

Spirituality is disconnected from religion

Spirituality is disconnected from religion

There is a massive disengagement of people from established religions, and a movement towards spiritual expression outside religion. This includes spiritual attitudes to issues such as environment protection and climate change,...

Disintegration of EU

Disintegration of EU

Economic crisis and the unsustainable levels of debt in some countries brings about the paralysis or even disintegration of the EU

Drastic reduction in investment in research in Europe

Drastic reduction in investment in research in Europe

Owing to a lack of interest in science, the goal of spending 3% of the GNP on research is dropped.

Cessation of Xinjiang and Tibet and the breakdown of China

Cessation of Xinjiang and Tibet and the breakdown of China

The cessation of Xinjiang and Tibet causes the breakdown of China

The coming of

The coming of "technological singularity"

The “technological singularity” is a concept advocated by Ray Kurzweil and other futurists (it was first introduced by the mathematician and Science Fiction writer Vernor Vinge). The basic idea is that due to the exponentia...

Very rapid acceleration of global warming

Very rapid acceleration of global warming

Global warming speeds up very rapidly

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