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Future News - WIWEs
Displaying result for tag: Space
First contact with extra-terrestrial intelligence

First contact with extra-terrestrial intelligence

First Contact: Contact with extra-terrestrial intelligence/civilisation is established

Space colonisation

Space colonisation

Low-cost space travel and human enhancement technologies enable massive migration of humans from earth and establishing permanent space colonies on other planet or on large space stations.

Space war

Space war

A military confrontation takes place in space, using space weapons such as anti-satellite lasers and missiles, space-planes, etc.

Revolutionary space propulsion technology

Revolutionary space propulsion technology

New space propulsion technology (not based on chemical rockets) enables a dramatic reduction of the cost per pound required to get a satellite into orbit or to propel a spacecraft to its destination in space This is achieved b...

Global warming is not anthropogenic

Global warming is not anthropogenic

Scientists prove that the global warming is NOT anthropogenic, but related to changing solar activity or other newly discovered phenomena in space

Evidence of Alien Life

Evidence of Alien Life

Perhaps this is more of a stereotypical Wild Card, but it would surely boost interest and investment in science. By this I am not alluding to aliens landing here, but some evidence of intelligent signals from deep space for ins...

Earth biosphere damaged by Gamma-ray bursts

Earth biosphere damaged by Gamma-ray bursts

Gamma-ray bursts originating thousands of light-years away cause serious damage to the earth biosphere, including shutting down photosynthesis in the oceans at depths of up to 260 feet. Gamma-ray bursts are linked to mass extin...

A Solar storm disrupts critical systems

A Solar storm disrupts critical systems

An intense Solar storm seriously disrupts communication networks, electronic devices, computers, power networks etc.

The EU takes a lead in manned space missions

The EU takes a lead in manned space missions

In contrast to its previous policy, and following the decreasing interest in manned space missions in the US, the EU invests huge resources in manned missions to space and becomes a world leader in these endeavors.

Space-based solar panels supply energy to earth

Space-based solar panels supply energy to earth

A new technology enables affordable and efficient large space-based solar panels, which by beaming microwaves provide most of the world's energy needs. The energy is clean and renewable, the source is infinite.

Large NEO (near earth object) hits Europe

Large NEO (near earth object) hits Europe

A near earth object (asteroid or comet) about 1 Km in size hits Europe, causing a major disaster on a regional or global scale (depending on the actual size of the object)

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