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Future News - WIWEs
Displaying result for tag: Funding
European Commission scrap research support projects

European Commission scrap research support projects

The European Commission decide that research support projects do not provide a sufficient return on investment and are not viable. These funding schemes (Coordination and Specific Support Actions) are scrapped, and there are no...

Certain areas in research are no longer funded

Certain areas in research are no longer funded

If something arises which is currently low key, not particularly sexy in the research sense, then you begin to have a backlog, as you lack the research to deal with the threat when it arises. It is a wildcard that has already c...

Destabilization of the innovation system

Destabilization of the innovation system

Go back to the destabilization of the economy and losing funding. Society and the economy destabilize the innovation system. In Greece, for example, I imagine many Greek researchers will no longer look for research jobs in Gr...

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